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Serving the People of Brevard County, Florida
Date: 12/7/2018
Subject: LWVSC Legislative Priorities Survey and January Timely Topic
From: League of Women Voters of the Space Coast

2019 Legislative Priorities Survey :  Input Needed by Jan 5, 2019

Every year our members are asked to provide input towards our local and state legislative priorities.   The local Leagues ask members to pick their top 5 issues and rank them from 1 (top priority) to 5.    Based on member input, the local Leagues determine their top 5 priorities and these are shared with the state.  The state will use the local priorities to determine the state priorities.  Local and state priorities often coincide, although order of the top 5 may vary, unless there is a unique issue in a particular region of the state.    Priority issues will be the focus for our time and money so member input is important.

To allow consistency in input, we ask members to use the categories from the State Program 2017-19.  The State Program can be found in the Study and Action guide, pages 5 through 7.   The guide can be downloaded from the state website or from our local League website.  The link to the guide on our local website is provided below.   This survey provides the categories in a selection list so the survey can be completed without reference to the guide but the guide will provide more specifics on the position and actions within the categories.  You can provide comments on any of the issue actions for the categories if you want to be more specific in your priority.   If you want to add a new category, please provide it through the Other selection at the bottom of the list and use the comments section to identify the category.  The survey requires you to  minimally choose your top 3 priorities.


Save the Date for Politicos On Parade Fundraiser - 2/8/2019

Help Needed!!

*Our Treasurer needs someone to support her with a budget plan for our next fiscal year.  If you can help, please contact Brigitte Sinton (
* We need volunteers to put the Elected Officials CONTACT brochure together.  If you can assist, please contact Lucia Watson (