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Serving the People of Brevard County, Florida
HomeLocal Government Committee

Local  Government Committee

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Local Government Program
Local Government Program
1. The Observer Corps is a critical function of the Local Government Committee, with the goal of having League observers attending local government agency meetings and reporting on issues of League interest.
2. Provide assistance, as requested, to the LWVSC Committees regarding local government issues that impact the committees’ respective programs of work.
3. Support Voter’s Services functions by providing volunteers as needed.

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Local Government Positions
Local Government Positions

Support for:

1. County Government charter incorporating:

    a. An appointed, qualified administrator, with clearly defined duties and the power to appoint or fire department heads.

    b. Removal of non-judicial functions from the office of the Clerk of  the Courts.

    c. Elected Constitutional Officers, i.e. Sheriff, Property Appraiser, Tax Collector, Supervisor of Elections, and the Clerk of the Courts

        (changed 4/2/05)

    d. Initiative, referendum, recall.

    e. Provision for entering into inter-local government agreements.

    f. Periodic charter review.

2. A merit system for all county employees below department head.

3. Accountable fiscal practices including:

    a. A citizen advisory board to make fiscal recommendations.

    b. An annual County status report.

    c. Periodic review of special tax districts.

4. Coordination of all the countywide law enforcement agencies within Brevard County.

5. Enforcement of those portions of the County sign ordinance that deal with the elimination of illegal, abandoned or nonconforming


6. The countywide library system.

    a. Stabilization of the library budget at l (one) mill limit.

    b. Accountable fiscal practices with appropriate oversight mechanism, professional budget analysis and five-year plan for

building/maintenance facilities, personnel cost containment,

maximum use of computer to analyze and upgrade library

collections and services.

    c. Appointment of county and local library board members with expertise in library and fiscal operations to ensure effective review of needs assessment and goal-setting.

    d. Adoption of Florida State Guidelines as minimum standard in long range plans, measure performance/output, and allocation of funds for materials and services.

    e. Public hearings and maximum participation of county/local library boards and citizens’ groups in the critical review of location and efficient design of library system and the fiscal plan for implementation of these objectives.