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Serving the People of Brevard County, Florida
HomeRecycling Awards
Elementary Honorable Mention

Recycling Awards


The Recycling Awards Program was originally created by LWVSC member Jerry Jagrowski in 1997. The goal was to award Brevard County elementary, middle and high schools for their efforts towards recycling within their school.

Mr. Jagrowski ran the program for many years with the assistance of the Brevard County Solid Waste Management Department and Brevard Public Schools.

In 2013, Mr. Jagrowski invited Marcia Booth, then a new member of the LWVSC, to be the new coordinator and carry on with the program. In the same year, Brevard County Solid Waste Management Department announced they would not be able to assist with the program any longer, so Mrs. Booth began to work directly with Laura Kandiko, Brevard Public Schools Facilities.

The requirements changed once Mrs. Booth took over the program, but every year the LWVSC, in collaboration with Brevard Public Schools, invites all schools in Brevard County to participate: tour our landfill, create a project describing that experience, and submit their project to be reviewed and recognized according to posted rubric.

It is our main goal to motivate students to think about ways they and their school can reduce waste and increase our recycling rate instilling in them an appreciation for the environment and the need to conserve our precious natural resources.


CANCELED: 2019-2020 Recycling Awards Program

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 outbreak brought a lot of disruption to everyone's lives. With students being kept at home, the completion of projects, which should be submitted by April 20, is very likely to be compromised.

For that reason and out of precaution, we have decided to cancel our program this year so everyone can concentrate on the pressing issue of the moment and work on successfully finishing this school year.

On a positive note, the school that was recognized last year will have the chance to keep our plaque on display for one extra year. We will reach out to get the plaque back during next year's award cycle.

We will be sending information and posting new dates for the next award cycle as soon as we are ready. We hope you are able to participate and will apply again.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank BPS for their continued partnership in this program and to thank you for your efforts and understanding. Please do stay safe!


Marcia Booth
LWVSC Recycling Awards Coordinator



Application to our 2019-20 Recycling Awards Program is open and can be submitted using our online Recycling Awards Program - School Application Form.

All Brevard County elementary, middle and high schools are invited to participate.

Important Dates
Application forms are due by January 24, 2020  
Entry submissions are due by April 20, 2020

For more information, download our 2019-2020 Recycling Awards Program Packet. Applications can be filled out online at

Members who would like to volunteer to judge submissions, please contact Marcia Booth, Recycling Awards Program Coordinator. Judging will take place in April 2020 at Brevard Public Schools.

2018-2019 Recycling Awards Program

Thank you to all participants and to our volunteer judges. Congratulations to the 2018-19 selected schools!

Award Recipients 

  •  Stevenson Elementary School
 Selected Project  Poster


  • Andrea Bolitho from Brevard County Solid Waste Management Department
  • Joseph Montemurno from Brevard County Schools
  • Fran Baer from League of Women Voters of the Space Coast

2017-2018 Recycling Awards Program

Thank you to all participants and to our volunteer judges. Congratulations to the 2017-18 selected schools!

Award Recipients

  •  Lewis Carroll Elementary School
 Selected Project



Honorable Mention

  •  Suntree Elementary School
 Honorable Mention Project




  • Andrea Bolitho from Brevard County Solid Waste Management Department
  • Anne Everly and Joseph Montemurno from Brevard County Schools
  • Susan Little and Dina Dearma from League of Women Voters of the Space Coast

2016-2017 Recycling Awards Program Results

Thank you to all participants and to our volunteer judges. Congratulations to the 2016-17 selected schools!

Award Recipients

  •  Freedom 7 Elementary School
Elementary School Selected Project
  •  Herbert C. Hoover Middle School  
Middle School Selected Project
  •  Palm Bay Magnet High School
High School Selected Project


Honorable Mention

  •  Lewis Carroll Elementary School  
 Elementary Honorable Mention Project
  •  Stone Magnet Middle School
 Middle School Honorable Mention Project


  • Andrea Bolitho and Wanda Scanes from Brevard County Solid Waste Management Department
  • Anne Everly and Joseph Montemurno from Brevard County Schools
  • Hope and Larry Ascher from League of Women Voters of the Space Coast