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Serving the People of Brevard County, Florida


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Program of Work 
Program of Work for 2020-2021
Program of Work for 2021-2022

1. Educate League members and the general public on the principles of the emerging field of study, Sustainability;
2. Promote and conduct a Sustainability Book Club program;
3. Act as the LWVSC's liaison to organizations and entities specifically promoting sustainability programs (i.e. Brevard Sustainability Working Group) by establishing two-way communication channels (via a Liaison Corps) to share knowledge and ideas;
4. Work closely with and assist as needed City/Municipality Sustainability Boards/Committees and/or Sustainability officials that have included civic engagement as part of their respective plans;
5. Conduct various community projects to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and inspire civic engagement of Brevard County residents;
6. Coordinate a Student Sustainability Management Certification course for Brevard County college students;
7. Conduct a Brevard Students Civic Advance Project;
8. Act as liaison between Brevard County students and local engineers to inspire STEAM related projects that promote sustainability principles within Brevard County;
9. Conduct for the general public sustainability education workshops created by the nationally recognized 501 (c) (3) nonprofit, formerly the Northwest Earth Institute and encourage participation in this nonprofit's annual eco-challenges.

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Position on Sustainability
Position on Sustainability
League of Women Voters of Florida Position on Sustainability
The League of Women Voters of Florida supports governmental action that results in sustainability: meeting the needs of the present without endangering the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
Environment, society and the economy must be integrated and balanced to achieve a sustainable Florida.