LWVSC Position towards Recycling
Solid Waste Management
Support for:
- A countywide solid waste disposal system which maximizes resource recovery techniques.
- A system that utilizes sanitary landfill but which may also use incineration or waste to energy technology provided the environmental problems of that technology have been solved, that sufficient waste can be generated within the county to ensure its cost effectiveness and that reuse, reduction, and recycling are maximized countywide.
- A system which requires the mandatory recycling of all possible residential, commercial and industrial waste.
LWVSC Natural Resources Program of Work related to Recycling
Educate and encourage recycling by all Brevard County residents and businesses.
- Review Brevard’s municipalities’ progress toward the recycling targets as defined in their collection contracts.
- Study the return policies of local stores and laws pertaining to donation of returned items including examination of the costs incurred by business to handle items no longer allowed to be sold and formulation of best practices guidelines to facilitate more donations and less waste.
- Advocate for more ample, affordable and easy to understand and follow recycling programs for residents, businesses and public places.
Ten For Ten Collection Challenge
The The League has partnered with Recycle Brevard to bring the Ten For Ten Collection Challenge to our membership as a way to celebrate Earth Day by taking meaningful action. Ten for Ten Collection Challenge is a county-wide collection effort launched by Recycle Brevard to divert recyclables from the landfill.
The League and our Recycling Committee would like to invite you to accept the challenge of collecting at least 10lbs of specific waste in a month - from March 22 to April 22 - while participating in the Ten For Ten Collection Challenge.
For details about the challenge and learn how to participate, visit the challenge page at RecycleBrevard.org. We hope you take part in this with us!
Recycling Awards Program
The program was created to help instill in our youngsters an appreciation for the environment and the need to conserve our precious natural resources. It is our hope that this program is a step towards that goal.
All Brevard County elementary, middle and high schools are invited to participate.
Members interested in volunteering to assist with the program are welcome to contact Marcia Booth, Recycling Awards Program Coordinator.
Please, visit our Recycling Awards page for more information.
New Drop-Off Location for Hard-to-Recycle Materials and Reusable Items in Rockledge
Recycle Brevard opened a new recycling facility located at 1535 Cogswell Street unit C-15 in Rockledge.
This drop-off location is for hard-to-recycle materials, TerraCycle items, discards and unwanted items that can be reused in school, art, personal, and group projects. No large items (like sofas and desks) can be accepted.
The facility also offers collection of recyclables on a small scale to events and small businesses.
The goal of opening this location is to provide a way to divert more items from the landfill and make it easier for neighbors and local businesses to commit to the practice of the 3Rs while enabling Recycle Brevard to invest in their educational programs and community projects.
For more information, please visit Recycle Brevard on Facebook and check their website RecycleBrevard.org.