Public Speaking Tips for Speakers Bureau Success: How to Be a Comfortable, Credible Speaker
• Be confident, know your subject.
• Focus on what is important to your audience.
• Warm up...look in the mirror, rehearse, stretch, verbalize your key points.
• Appearance counts – be well-groomed, dress professionally and be aware that your body language punctuates everything you say. Stand up straight, make eye contact with the audience, and smile.
• Do not fidget or roll your eyes when listening to a question.
• Speak loudly so everyone can hear, or use a microphone.
• Try not to stand in one place so that you can make eye contact with different members of the audience.
• Take the floor with confidence.
• If you are comfortable doing so, make a small joke or use a bit of humor to help humanize you.
• You are the expert, make sure you know the material inside out and backwards.
• Do not use a script. It will control you and should you lose your place, it is embarrassing.
• Try to find a relevant story or example, it helps the audience remember the subject.
• Involve the audience as much as possible so they are engaged, build rapport.
• Close with a strong comment or an ask for action.